Dalton BOE Opening Public Participation Procedure at March 12 Meeting

The Dalton Board of Education is reviewing its public participation policy with the intent of allowing more open access for interested stakeholders to address the board at its regular meetings. The board plans to test several procedures over the next few months to determine the most appropriate method to accommodate public participation. The policy will be revised following a review of the results from the changes.

The board is waiving its current policy and implementing a new procedure for the Monday, March 12, meeting. Any member of the public who would like to address an item on the agenda can sign-up before the meeting is called to order at 6:30 p.m. Those wishing to speak will be asked to complete the “Public Participation in Board Meetings” form that will be available at a sign-up table at the entrance to the Council Chambers beginning at 6 p.m. Anyone who wishes to complete the form before attending the meeting can download the form at http://tinyurl.com/boe-speak.

Agenda’s are published online on the Board of Education website under the Meetings tab at https://eboard.eboardsolutions.com/Index.aspx?S=4050.

The board’s current policy requires that an individual submit a form at least seven days before the scheduled meeting in order to address the board during its regular or called meetings. The timing of the pre-notification requirement is also under review with the possibility that it may only apply to issues that are not on the agenda for a meeting at which someone wishes to address the board.

The Dalton Board of Education typically meets on the second Monday each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Dalton City Hall, 300 W. Waugh St., Dalton, GA  30720. Board meetings are open to the public.

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